Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What Is Happening Today.....

I thought I might start sharing a little of what's been going on around here.....

* We have had so much rain but we are still getting a few tomatoes.

* I have been knitting on a pair of socks

* We each are getting over a summer cold

* I have been working on a few new crochet doll hat patterns..my original designs!

* I can't believe I have no one starting school this year...that sounds crazy!!

* I bought some new yarn from Knit Picks!!

I hope your having a very blessed day Reader,


Saturday, July 18, 2015


Now that my youngest daughter has Graduated from High School..we will now have a lot more time on our hands. I was thinking there will be no more summer breaks just summer.

I have been working to put many new items into our Etsy shop. I know many may not even be looked at until fall or even winter..but that's okay by me I just love creating.

We have done a couple craft shows / trade shows. That was very interesting to see how people sell their items and what they even sell. We hope to do a few more in the near future.

Today is going to be another hot summer day. We have plans to visit family which is always nice. I have a few items that I need to take pictures of..but it is the weekend and I will have plenty of week to do that.

I hope your enjoying your summer reader..never forget how blessed you are!! Hugs!!